Sergey kuB

2001 - 2011: played professional basketball in CSKA and the national team of Yakutia

2009 - 2010: Nike Store Manager

2010 - 2011: KM20 concept-Store Manager

2011 - 2020: co-FOUNDER and creative director of the concept-store BELIEF

2021 - 2022: Product CONSULTING roborace, co-founder vajrapar

I don't even remember at what point I fell in love with looking at a photo with myself, maybe it was in my childhood when a frame came out of Polaroid and this feeling was comparable to a miracle, but now this feeling has been forgotten and blurred with the advent of Instagram. When interacting with a photo, I want to return to the true state, when the process itself and the emotion received during the shooting are much more important than the frame itself.

In this section, I would like to place the one who still enjoys the moment, and not the reaction to the moment.